Hey there!

Welcome to Spacedust!

We've uploaded a browser version for folks who are concerned about malware, however the download version is a considerably smoother experience as you can enter true fullscreen.

Don't mind the 79 bitcoin miners that open up while you play. :)

I've got a little bit to say to everyone who views this but before I do so, let me write down some controls...

WASD / Arrow Keys - Move around

You can also hover your mouse over yourself or other NPCs to see what they are. Now, in the .exe that we've provided with our submission you can also left click to see a GUI that shows you what the objects (and yourself) are made of. However, when you use this function on the browser version, it seems to crash the browser.

I don't know why - I am have the smoothest brejn.

And now my message!

This is our first ever game jam (GMTK 2024) and it has been a blast. Huge thanks to the GMTK team for putting it together.

Four people made this Spacedust demo (and I have to use demo here because we ended up including around 15% of the planned content in this demo for the jam) in just under 4 days.

We've created a ton of custom art, an EP-size OST with original music, and a bunch of foley work meaning that everything you see, hear, or interact with is entirely created by us. Our SFX guy covered his bedroom carpet in soil for this project.

We intend to release a full build of this game with all of the music, art, and mechanics at a later date. For now, we hope you enjoy what little of it there is to play in this short demo.

We've learned SO much during this and it has truly, truly been a wonderful experience. It's the first step on our long journey towards becoming professional game developers. This is a dream for us and the GMTK has lit a spark that turned into an inferno.

Blessings xoxo

Voxsomnium Indie


Spacedust.zip 22 MB


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